
IRIS Adlershof
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Zum Großen Windkanal 2
12489 Berlin

Prof. Dr. Jürgen P. Rabe

phone:+49 30 2093-66350
fax:     +49 30 2093-2021-66350



The Integrative Research Institute for the Sciences IRIS Adlershof of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin explores novel hybrid materials and functional systems with so far inaccessible optical, electronic, mechanical and chemical properties. This research is connected to fundamental studies of structure and dynamics of matter on extreme length and time scales and in complex systems.

IRIS Adlershof is the prototype of Humboldt-Universität's new research format Integrative Research Institute (IRI), developed for creating an excellent framework for cutting-edge research. It combines elements of a research institute, a development laboratory and an institute for advanced studies and sustainably links the Humboldt-Universität with pertinent non-university institutes and innovative enterprises.

In the Excellence Initiative of the federal and state governments IRIS Adlershof is supported within the framework of Humboldt Universität's Institutional Strategy. Furthermore it is involved with its members in the School of Analytical Sciences Adlershof – SALSA, the Berlin Mathematical School - BMS as well as in the Clusters of Excellence Image Knowlegde Gestaltung and Unifying concepts in Catalysis – UniCat.

Chart IRIS Adlershof   Campus Adlershof